Monday, December 28, 2009

hEArtBeaT bY 2PM

I have different personality. First Cassiopea. Next, E.L.F. followed by V.I.P.. My newest will be HOTTEST.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

HaPpy biRThdaY

27 December 2009
Shabirah bt Saiful Marsidi

WISHES: may you will have a wonderful life and i'll always pray for your success in whatever you do. Umm... next year you will further study at UK. I just hope that you will study hard and become a successful person. Don't forget your family, religion, and country. May you be safe and happy nevertheless where ever you are. Be strong and stay strong. Happy birthday.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Keputusan PMR dah keluar.. dan secara kebetulan adik aku ( Salsabilah bt Saiful Marsidi ) yang sekolah kat SMK Seri Gunong pom PMR tau nie. tak tahulah setakat mana usaha dia tapi result die boleh dibanggakan.

6A 2B

Wow, walaupun result tue lebih rendah daripada yang aku dan kakak kitaorang dapat tapi kira ok lah kan?
Apepom, abah dan mak memang happy dan tahniah ntuk adik aku (yang tersayang).

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Peringatan Untukku

Tuhan dulu pernah aku menangis simpati

Kepada manusia yang alpa jua buta

Lalu terheretlah aku dilorong gelisah

Luka hati yang berdarah kini jadi kian parah

Semalam sudah sampai ke penghujungnya

Kisah seribu dukaku harap sudah berlalu

Tak ingin lagi ku ulangi kembali

Gerak dosa yang menghiris hati

Tuhan dosaku mengunung tinggi

Tapi rahmatmu melangit luas

Harga selautan syukurku

Hanyalah setitis nikmatku di bumi

Tuhan walau taubat sering ku mungkir

Namun pengampunanmu tak pernah bertepi

Bila selangkah ku rapat padamu

Seribu langkah kau rapat padaku Allah…………

life mujahid

editor: azzahra_solehah

Kisahnya bermula dengan sepasang Hafiz dan Hafizah yang berkenalan atas dasar cinta agama yang ada pada diri mereka dan mereka adalah Mohd (bukan nama sebenar) dan Aisyah (bukan nama sebenar).

Perkenalan kami bermula dengan aku begitu tertarik dengan agama yang ada pada diri Aisyah. Pertemuan pertama kami begitu mengujakan. Pertama kali dalam hidupku berjumpa dengan gadis yang begitu pemalu dan menjaga pandangan matanya. Ya, dalam tersenyum pada ketika itu juga aku teringat pada lirik lagu Kasih-Kekasih In-team ‘Wanita Hiasan Dunia, Seindah Hiasan Adalah Wanita Solehah’. Lamunanku terhenti bila Ustaz Zack masuk ke bilik kuliahku untuk madah Qiraat Ilmi.

Sejak detik itu aku sering memerhatikannya perwatakan gadis solehah yang menjadi idaman hatiku sekian lama. Aku cuba merisik khabar berita bertanya sama ada bunga idamanku sudah berpunya atau belum. Ternyata setelah dirisik, aku masih berpeluang untuk menjadi kumbangnya. Namun aku tidak berani untuk mendekati dirinya, bukan kerana takut. Tapi kerana segan dengan kekurangan diriku. Siapalah aku kalu dibandingkan dengannya. Dia belajar disekolah Arab tersohor di sebelah Utara. Sedangkan aku hanya seorang pemuda yang baru nak bertatih belajar agama.

Ya benar aku juga belajar di sekolah agama, tapi itu dulu 4 tahun lepas. Sudahlah madah-madah arab seperti di Sekolah Arab aku tidak belajar, Bahasa Arab Tinggi aku pun hanya mendapat 8E. Pastinya aku berasa cukup kerdil untuk mengenalinya. Terus aku pendamkan saja niat baikku untuk menjadikannya suri dihati. Alhamdulliah takdir Allah telah menentukan segalannya. Aku mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dalam peperiksaan akhir semesterku. Keputusan itu memberi sedikit kekuatan untukku mengenalinya.

Aku mengunakan sahabatku sebagai orang tengah untuk menyampaikan hasrat hatiku. Ternyata cintaku berbalas. Cuma katanya aku boleh mengenalinya setelah mendapat izin dari orang tuanya. Ya Allah cukup besar kurniaanmu ini. Seorang gadis yang taat dan patuh pada Tuhan dan kedua ibubapanya. Setelah mendapat restu daripada ibubapaku, aku bersedia untuk bertentang mata dengan ibubapanya. Aku masih ingat ketika itu Jam tepat pukul 10.30 pagi.

Sebelum berangkat aku menunaikan solat hajat 2 rakaat memohon agar dipermudahkan pertemuan ini. Dengan penuh pengharapan aku berdoa pada tuhan yang memberi cinta ini padaku. Andai benar ada jodoh antara kami, maka satukanlah hati kami menjadi satu. Andai tiada jodoh antara kami aku mohon agar kau selesaikan perkara ini dengan baik. Alhamdulillah, aku berasa sedikit tenang akan luahan rasa pada tuhanku yang maha satu. Aku ditemani oleh temanku yang juga seusia denganku. Dia begitu memahami dilemaku. Mungkin kerana kami sama-sama sudah berusia.

Perjalananku ke rumah Aisyah sedikit bermasalah kerana alamatnya sedikit sukarku fahami. Namun setelah sejam akhirnya kami tiba disambut oleh Abi (panggilan Aisyah pada Ayahnya). Abi seorang ramah dan baik hati. Keadaan itu membuatkanku sedikit tenang. Apa yang menarik tentang Abi, dia mempunyai Fikrah Islam walaupun profesionnya bukanlah dibidang agama. Aku cukup kagum. Dan dari situ aku sedar bahawa sahsiah Aisyah bertitik tolak dari biah keluarganya yang memberikan tarbiah yang mantap tentang agama.

Benar sabda nabi kita. Setiap anak dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah semulajadi. IbuBapalah yang menjadikannya Yahudi atau Kristian atau Majusi. (Riwayat Muslim, Bab Qadar No 2658)

Hot stuff is the soundtrack for KBS drama, " MY FAIR LADY " starring former G.O.D. member, Danny Ann who play as a butler to Miss Hyena played by Eun Hye ( heroin of Coffee Prince ). It's an awesome song and currently i love Danny oppa... he's so handsome!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009



Now is 3 in the morning and suddenly i began to miss those guys... huhu... sekarang ni aku cuma dapat termenung and tengok gambar zaman muda-muda ngan kengkawan. Bila aku tertengok gambar lama masa form3 tak tahu kenapa rasa sedih ckit mengenangkan persahabatan lama kitaorang. Bukannya sekarang dah tak kawan tapi tak ngam macam dulu dah. Masa form 3 dulu memang rapat, geng noname huhu... sme orang tahu. Tapi salah aku jugak sebab tinggalkan diaorang. Aku cuma harap kitaorang akan tetap jadi kawan sampai bila-bila. Yang aku sedih sangat bila kitaorang susah nak bertegur-sapa.. kadang-kadang kalau terselisih kat asrama ke, sekolah ke, ( dah nama pom dok kat asrama mestilah jumpe slalu ) kitaowang jadi serba-salah nak tegur. Salah sorang tue sampai sekarang tak cakap ngan aku. Bila aku tegur, die buat bodo jew.
Frankly speaking, i've hurt so much dengan cara dia layan aku. 2 hari aku menangis dan fikir apa salah aku kat die sampai die tak nak cakap ngan aku. Klu aku ada buat salah, aku MINTAK MAAF bebanyak dan aku cuma harap kita sume boleh kawan macam dulu.
Hope the smile will be with you and me forever.. sorry if i've hurt you che biey

I will cherish the moment forever and thanx for your warm friendship.

dedicated to: Ruby, Mc Anis, Mc Ain, Sfera n Trex

Thursday, December 17, 2009

my favourite song!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

His voIcE bY SeEya

Gotta listen to this fresh song.

Oleh : Nur20

Editor : NuurZaffan

I remember it was winter in England and I was catching a train back to the city where I lived. It was cold, I looked out, White snow was falling lightly from the gloomy sky. The train was moving fast, and as it moved I could see grounds in white all covered up by snow. ‘Covered up?’ the word rang in my head. Images of hijab and headscarf flashes on my mind.

For the two hours journey, I couldnt sleep even once. There was too much on my mind. I was born as a Muslim. And I didn‘t pray five times a day like everybody else. I hardly could read the Quran. People could say I was illiterate in a way. Because at times, it took me a long while to finish even a short verse from the Quran. It was in Arabic and I was never taught Arabic, that was my excuse of not reading. I thought as long as you have a good heart that‘s good enough. And if you don’t commit huge sins, you’ll be fine. But what she said, made my whole perspective looked, vain.

I was from London and on my way back home to the North West region. My heart wasn’t at ease. What she said had made me thinking, and I was thinking real hard. She was a nice girl. ‘Be a true Muslim, and not just a Muslim by name,’ she said politely with a smile, but the meaning was intense. She was merely quoting and was not saying it to me but my heart was touched. What kind of Muslim, had I been all these while? I don’t want to be a Muslim and only by name. It doesn’t sound good either. As the train moved, heading to North West where I lived, I let out few sighs.

Few months after later.. ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim..,’ I read out loud before starting to read the Quran. My web-cam was on. That night We were in the middle of Quranic circle. It’s an activity that we do once a week. Through this circle, we read the Quran in turns. All were ladies. Sometimes we get to discussed about the meaning behind the Quran verses and some Hadith from Rasulullah. It was amazingly fun and I never thought I would actually had fun doing religious activity. I was very thankful to Siti and her older sister because now I can read the Quran much better. And since then, I keep on gradually changing, I realised. How I view life has changed too, a bit if not much.

At nights before I slept, I thought of going to a place. Somewhere faraway and seemed hard to reach but I knew its reachable. And if possible, I wanted to go there with someone that I loved. Of course that’s still remain as a wish and I hope it’ll come true one day. My life is never this calm! I now wear headscarf everywhere I go. It doesn’t feel right without it. Sometimes that leads to guilt, when people sees my hair. So I wear headscarf whenever I go out. My social activity especially when interacting with men has also changed. I used to be friendly and outgoing, even with the opposite gender. Now I feel sort of afraid. Sometimes I limit myself from being too ‘friendly’ with men. Sometimes, I think twice before I talked to them. Is it necessary or not to talk now? Because Women can be a fitnah to men, I don’t want to build up sins.

I used to look for a romantic boyfriend before. I searched high and low but funny that I never really had a boyfriend until now. I used to ask why? The question is why. Because I’m not unpretty. But now I understand the reason behind. Having a romantic relationship outside marriage can lead to something that breaks the law of Syariah. All praise to Allah, I’m glad I never had boyfriends before. I’m not worried if I don’t find a guy any sooner. I’m not looking for a relationship anymore. And definitely not looking for someone based on how romantic he is. I’m going with the flow, after all everything about humans has been written. I want to fix myself first.

I read somewhere about ‘Mencintai kerana Allah’ or ’Loving you because of God’. It was a nice Malay blog entry. I am aiming for that kind of love now. It sounds more pure than romantic love, to me.

‘What’s your dream guy like?’ a friend asked me one day while we ride on a taxi.

I didn’t replied him immediately though, ‘and have you found him?’ he added quickly.

‘Why do you want to know’ I politely asked with a smile.

‘Well, only asking,’ he replied calmly. Then there were silent. The road was wet due to the rain. It was soon before the taxi reached my home.

‘Was he like me?’ he then added. He was hinting something, I knew. I’ve been waiting for this moment all this year. And this could be a dream come true, but..

‘My dream guy is,’ I began ‘Someone who can guide me, you know, he leads and I follow,’ Then I paused.

‘I can be the guy,’ He said confidently.

There was silence again, a long one. The taxi finally reached my home. I said goodbyes to him and walked to my front door. I wave before the taxi accelerated again. He smiled to me even though I didn’t gave him the answer. He was a nice guy but he couldn‘t be the guy. Because…

I want to live with a guy who could guide me, so that I can get closer to My Creator. I want a man who can lead as an Imam, in every prayers that we’re gonna do together as married couple. A man who would tell Islamic history as a bed-time-stories to our children in the future. I want a man who’ll read the holly Quran to me, to cheer me every time I’m down. That is my dream guy and before I can meet him, I knew I need to fix myself first.

One beautiful spring afternoon, I was at a function. There were many Malays all gathered. That’s when I met him. He’s not just decent but he has the characteristic of my dream guy. Every time our eyes met accidentally during the event, he quickly moved away his stare. That convinced me, even more. I knew he’ll be a good amir, a leader of a family. Secretly I prayed: O‘ Allah, I want that kind of guy as a partner in life. At nights before I slept, I thought of going to a place. Somewhere faraway and seemed hard to reach but I knew its reachable. And if possible, I wanted to go there with someone that I loved. I want to go to Jannah (the heaven) with him! I’ll wait here and I know the wait is worthy.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ayam oh Ayam

Wah, sekali tengok memang kecur air liur nieh. Cam tak percaya jew kakak aku yang masak sup ni. Tengok gambar memang ler beb, tapi hakikatnya bau ayam tue busuk tahap dewo. tak tahu mana silapnya... erkk, ok salah aku. I admit it yeah yeah!! Masa abah aku bawak balik ayam tue tengah hari kelmarin, memang abah aku dah pesan suruh siang ayam tu.. aku pun cam biasaler buat blur " yelah, yelah. " Tapi lama-lama hal ayam tue makin menghilang dari cerebrum aku. I fall asleep, sumpah tak sengaja. Petang tue bila aku sedar, aku bau sesuatu yang sangat menusuk hidung. Bila aku masuk dapur tengok adik aku ngah siang ayam tue, apalagi budak tue marahler kat aku. hehe...

Bau ayam tue memang busuk woo.. Tak tau nak buat apa, Kakak aku pom tepon ler mak kitaorang tanya apa yang patut. ( tak bleh harap betol ler anak dara nieh ) Hari nie makan sup ayam busuk ler.. Dah macam-macam rempah bubuh dalam periuk tue tapi bau tak hilang jugak. Warghh.. tolonglah sesapa! Mak balikler cepat!!

Sapeler nak makan niey?

Bubuh rempah banyak-banyak pom tak jadi

Another Day Passed

Hari nie agak boring actually hari-hari boring memandangkan aku cuma tidur, makan, menghadap tv and komputer. Selalunya masa budak2 form five datang ambik result, kebanyakan diaorang jadi makin bulat dan berisi. Aku pernahler terfikir apa benda yang bebudak nie buat sampai jadi macam tue? And aku berazamler tak nak jadi macam tue tapi berdasarkan aktiviti seharian aku nie.... insyaallah, takde apa-apa kut hahaha..

Tapi sekarang nie rasa agak susah sikit memandangkan mak aku takde kat rumah sampailah 19 haribulan nanti. Mak aku sambung belajar kat USM Penang, so aku terpaksalah menguruskan rumah nie. Boleh dikatakan macam head maid ler kan? Kalau ader butler kan best. Nak nak  pulak dapat macam Danny Ann. Aku suka giler watak butler die dalam My Fair Lady hehehe..

Berangan jeler... : )

Seriously, it's heartbreaking.

Next StePs

Okey dari dulu aku slalu berangan nak sambung study kat Jepun despite i kept failing in my japanese exam. i believe in miracle, who knows i might have the chance. So i did a little bit research about Japan.

Do I need to receive Japanese language training in Japan?

Preparatory Japanese language courses for foreign students offered by private universities

Japanese Language institutions certified by the Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education

Generally, a prospective student first enrolls in a Japanese language institution after arrival in Japan. In many cases, he or she studies Japanese and other related subjects at the language institution for between one and two years and then takes the entrance examination for a university, etc. For this reason, the choice of the Japanese language institution is very important for the prospective student.

There are two types of Japanese language institutions for foreign students who wish to go on to a Japanese university for either undergraduate or postgraduate studies.

1. Preparatory Japanese language courses for foreign students offered by private universities

The preparatory Japanese language courses for foreign students offered by private universities are regular courses within the university curriculum as defined by the School Education Law. The objective of these courses is to offer preparatory education in the Japanese language, Japanese society and culture, and other necessary subjects to foreign students who wish to enter junior colleges or undergraduate or postgraduate programs at universities, either as students or researchers.

Subjects taught include the Japanese language, Japanese society and culture, and other basic studies, which are usually taught in Japanese. There are, however, some schools that offer the courses in English. The residence status of students taking such special courses offered by private universities is "College Student."

Preparatory Japanese language courses for foreign students are offered at 68 private universities and junior colleges. It is important for each foreign student to select the program best suited for him or her, taking into consideration the reasons for studying in Japan, field of study and future direction, i.e., what he or she intends to do after completing the preparatory course. Depending on the school, students who remain at the same university as the one offering the preparatory Japanese language courses may enjoy special benefits and procedures, such as waiver of the admissions selection process.

● List of Preparatory Japanese Language Courses for Foreign Students Offered by Private Universities /Junior Colleges

These are preparatory Japanese language programs intended for students planning to pursue higher education in Japan. The list does not include inter-university exchange programs limited to students of associated schools. Please be sure to ask the specific school for the latest information

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) website:

To apply for admission to preparatory Japanese language courses for foreign students offered by a private university, the student should select the program (school) he or she wishes to enroll in and request application documents from the school. The student will be required to have completed at least 12 years of primary and secondary education (elementary, middle and high school). If, due to the system prevailing in his or her country, the student’s secondary education was completed at less than the 12th year, he or he will have to either:

(1) Enroll in an institution of higher education (e.g., a university) in his or her country and study there for at least the minimum number of years needed to bring the cumulative years of education to 12 or more.

(2) Enroll in and complete a course of preliminary study for university entrance designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

● List of Japanese language institutes for students without 12 years of education (authorized by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,Science and Technology-MEXT)

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) website:

● Example of preparatory Japanese language courses for foreign students offered by private universities

(Takushoku University Intensive Language Program for Overseas Students)

2. Japanese language institutions certified by the Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education

The Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education is the body that examines and certifies the schools commonly referred to as "Japanese language institutions" for the foreign students in Japan. There are 395 institutions. Students wishing to attend a specialized training college (professional training colleges), miscellaneous school or quasi-miscellaneous school that provides Japanese language education in preparation for going to universities, graduate schools, etc., should be sure to confirm that it is a Japanese language institution that meets the standards (provided by a MEXT council studying improvement to Japanese language education) and is certified by the Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education.

Students who will study at such Japanese language institutions are eligible to enter Japan with the "College Student" or "Pre-college Student" visa.

Okay, so skarang aku cuma perlu buat revision untuk japanese language..... bila nak start ekk??

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The song is beautiful and the mv is cool. Sofia, my sister love it so much and she's just 8 years old. It's so sweet lol.


It′s not your fault those hands are freezing

Borne from those childish days, you carry the scars

Are you afraid to love someone?

You pretend not to see the other side of the words

Like ice, the embraced heart slowly starts to thaw

* For anyone to be loved by someone,

Makes life in this world shine

If it was me, I′d make your heart warm once more

With eternal tenderness

Even if fate′s mischief pains the heart

On the other side of those tears,

A single ray of light will swoop down into the darkness

We know

As strong as the feeling of suffering, we can feel people′s warmth

Everyone is searching for a place

That can heal their sadness and loneliness

So... for you, that place is here

Don′t be afraid, don′t hesitate anymore, because I′ll protect you

My heart is pained

Because this love is so beautiful, don′t be afraid

Even if it′s just momentarily, I′ll let you know my love

This time is beautiful, you know... let you know my love

Truthfully i've been dying to get out of school and i swear i won't wear school uniform again. People said once you left school, you gonna miss it. I don't believe it but i'm not sure about it. Yelah banyak sangat kenangan pahit manis kat skolah tue. Kadang-kadang macam tak percaya aku berjaya lalui 5 tahun kat Faris. A big hand to me please hehe.. Okay, just for you guys and friends here is Faris Petra. Insyaallah, i'm gonna miss it.

Happy Happy Day!

I' ve been waiting to do this like hell. At first i thought about digging in this blog on the first day i got back home but.. manusia cuma boleh merancang kan? Allah yang tentukan segalanya. So adelah tiny bit problem happened and i need to deal it first.
Ari nie ari yang ke-3 aku tinggalkan FARIS PETRA and i'm so happy! SPM dah lepas tapi aku tak tahu kenape ekk, hati aku tak rasa lega sangat. Kalau difikirkan banyak benda lagi bakal terjadi dalam hidup aku.
Yaikss.. i don't know what's wrong tapi rasa something wrong and serba tak kena. Terlalu bebas kot? Yelah, aku dah biasa hidup kat asrama and bile balik rumah slalu fikir kena balik sekolah ari sabtu tapi sekarang takyah doh. Okay, i should be happy and think about my next steps.
Right now i quite miss my friends, classmates and enemies huhu.. Really hoping can meet you guys again next year. Berdebar siot nak ambik result nanti. Aku just harap yang terbaik and i have to admit that i didn't took my exam seriously.. well, we'll the result. Right now i'm going to enjoy my life fully and joyfully so that i won't regret. As a conclusion, i'm happy.
